Got a comment on the video we watched in class on Thursday?Frank Deford had quite a bit to say about sports writing. What do you have to say about Deford?Make a comment here for extra credit. Deadline is Tuesday classtime March 25.
Who’s your columnist #8
March 22, 2008Your comment must be posted by 30 minutes before the Tuesday March 25 class.You must include the URL so that others can read the column, too.Let me know if you have any questions.
Extra Credit: Frank Deford on sports writing
March 22, 2008Got a comment on the video we watched in class on Thursday?Frank Deford had quite a bit to say about sports writing. What do you have to say about Deford?Make a comment here for extra credit. Deadline is Tuesday classtime March 25.
Who’s your columnist #8
March 22, 2008Your comment must be posted by 30 minutes before the Tuesday March 25 class.You must include the URL so that others can read the column, too.Let me know if you have any questions.