Jon DeNunzio: 3 things

GRADED EXERCISE: In the comments section below, add the three things you learned from Washington Post Sports Innovation Editor Jon DeNunzio on Tuesday March 16. Deadline is noon Thursday March 25. This is a two-day extension.

20 Responses to “Jon DeNunzio: 3 things”

  1.   Kimmy Moss Says:

    1. You’ve got to have a “run towards the bomb” mentality in order to be a great journalist. You will work many more hours and days when stories are good, but you should LIVE for those times, not loathe them.
    2. Let good reporting carry your writing. Be a conversationalist so that you can easily extract more information from those that you interview, and keep your eyes open to everything happening– NOT JUST THE GAME!
    3. Resist the impulse to write flowery. It’s imperative that you get to the point quickly when you write.

  2.   Paul Egeland Says:

    1) Journalism is hard, “run towards the bomb,” ask tough questions, and be in tough places
    2) Harder now there is more pressure on journalists. People want the information immediately.
    3) Have to want it and love it, work hard, work weekends and deal with low pay
    4) Pay attention to detail every little detail counts.

    These are the points that I took away from the discussion.

  3.   Scott Hartman Says:

    1. You must have that journalistic instinct, don’t have tunnel vision on a story.

    2. Be willing to do the things and stories that nobody else wants to do.

    3. Twitter is great practice for brevity in messages.

  4.   Lijam M Says:

    I learned that location based technology is in the talks as the new innovation in sports media.

    It is important to have a certain journalistic instinct. Have the ability to find the best story and be willing to find out the details.

    News doesn’t wait. It’s important to have an outlet that you can use with immediacy.

  5.   yasinjama Says:

    I learned that paying attention to detail is very important in journalism despite the changes due to technology.

    Journalism is a difficult business. Journalist has to ask the tough question regardless of any circumstances.

    When you start in the journalism business right after college, you have to deal with low pay and longer hours of work.

  6.   Ryan Harty Says:

    1. You have to work hard to get to the top. Take stories other people might not want.

    2. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube: They are all great platforms to showcase your work and talk to a large audience, use them!

    3. You cannot be afraid to ask the tough questions. The answers you receive from the tough questions may lead you to a great story.

  7.   Nicole Demmel Says:

    The three things I learned are:
    Don’t be afraid to ask hard questions and be in tough situations.
    Take any story offered especially the ones other people don’t want.
    Blogs and twitter are great ways to practice your writing.

  8.   Sarah El-Hage Says:

    1. When writing, you should keep it simple, the reporting will carry you. Reporting should come first and second.

    2. The audience has changed a lot over the years, they have more power before with the ability to comment or just write their own blogs.

    3. Attention to detail is key because the smallest mistake will lose you credibility with someone, if not a vast majority of readers. A reader, even if it’s just one person, will notice anything that is not factually accurate.

  9.   Capricia Alston Says:

    The three things I learned:

    1. It is important that you are willing to take the stories and things that other people are not willing to do.

    2. Be willing to deal with the long hours and little pay that you first receive in this field. Hard work now will get you to where you want to be in the future.

    3. Pay attention to the little details because accuracy is extremely important to journalism. If you are not accurate you will lose credibility and that is one of the worse things to happen to you as a writer.

  10.   Ross Wilkers Says:

    1. Run towards the bomb.

    2. Keep eyes and ears open to stories that may develop around you, such as gunshots in a high school parking lot after a football game.

    3. Keep writing simple for the reader. Reporting should come first in writing instead of style or turns-of-phrase.

  11.   Sarah Kate Traynham Says:

    The three things I learned:

    1. You must have good instincts as a journalist – “run towards the bomb.”

    2. Keep things simple. Don’t use three words if you can use two and condense where possible.

    3. Avoid cliches.

  12.   Rob Elliott Says:

    Three Things about Jon Denunzio:

    1. Journalists have good instincts, “run towards the bomb.”

    2. Resist the impulse of flowery leads

    3. Putting yourself in the writing is not as bad as it used to be in journalism.

  13.   Andrew Duke Says:

    The three things I learned where:

    1. Pay attention to detail when writing a story.
    2.Keep the story and how you write it simple.
    3.Stay away from sports cliches because they do not add anything of value to your story.

  14.   brian mcclure Says:

    The three things I learned are,

    1. You must possess a journalistic instinct.
    2. Twitter and blogs are becoming the information hubs
    3. When starting in this industry you will be working long, odd hours for low pay.

  15.   Brian Glaser Says:

    Three things I learned from Joe DeNunzio were:

    1. Pay attention to detail at all times.

    2. Keep it simple, you don’t always have to write a “flowery” story. Avoid using cliches.

    3. The audience has become much more demanding. They want their news now. Audiences have power.

  16.   Thomas Maher Says:

    1)You have to do the hard things to get a good story such as ask difficult questions, head towards the trouble.

    2)Keep it simple, and get to the point. Pay attention to detail.

    3)Keep cliche out of paper, why say something thats been said 50 times already.

  17.   Tim Blank Says:

    1. Always be sure that you are ready to move on those stories quickly if things develop

    2. Details details, they are very important.

    3. Deliver to your audiences, but also be sure that you don’t completely cave into the audience.

  18.   Christine Blake Says:

    1. You have to sacrifice things to get a good story

    2. Pay attention to detail, every detail counts. Check and cross check.

    3. To be a journalist you have to keep eyes are ears open at all times to find a story.

  19.   Katherine Zablonski Says:

    Three things I learned from Joe DeNunzio:

    1. Pay attention to detail.

    2. Be willing to work long hours, with little pay.

    3. Don’t ever say no. Be willing to do everything and anything. Being up to date on technology and the fast pace world of news.

  20.   spy prescription sunglasses Says:

    Jon DeNunzio: 3 things | Sports Journalism

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