The future of journalism jobs
Survey of ONA members on online news from Merrill College on Vimeo.

One Response to “The future of journalism jobs”

  1.   Fox Parker Says:

    First off everything in this video is immensely reassuring, especially because I am interested in making journalism my livelihood. It is also reassuring because we will continue to get our news from credible news sources.

    The most interesting part of the presentation was the fact that news outlets were confident that they could make money with an online site. I think it can be successful, but it will take inventive strategies to attract readers and advertisers.

    I was not surprised to see that most outlets have staff members that can do a multitude of tasks. I think it’s vital for journalist to have a wide variety of skills.

    That brings me to something else in the video. 39% of people in journalism have been working for 20 years or more. Because technology has changed so much in the past decade, is that a good thing for news outlets or a detriment? I’m not really sure, it could go both ways.

    I’m really, really glad to hear that most news outlets have increased their staff since a year ago. The U.S. needs reliable news sources and reporters that can give readers original yet solid information, as stated in the presentation.

    The media is alive!

    Now I just need to get into it.

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