Sports columnists, books, movies and stuff

Gunston may be on the back burner at George Mason University, but the Tickle Me Gunston blog for Comm371-001/Sports Writing & Reporting is back!
So, welcome to the class. You become a part of a network of nine years of students have taken this class before you. That is not insignificant, as you will learn throughout the semester.

But first things first: Have you taken Comm303/Writing Across Media? I ask because that course provides you with a foundation in Associated Press Style, which we use in journalism and this course. Without that foundation, you will struggle to succeed in this class. So if you lack that foundation, you need to talk with me.

Now to some resources:
— Everyone is responsible for following a
sports columnist throughout the semester (Eric Vitoff has already requested Bill Simmons of ESPN). I will assign the columnists on a first-come basis and list them with links online in your syllabus.
— Everyone is responsible for choosing a
sports-related book and sports-related movie, writing a 2-page, double-spaced review, and giving an short presentation in class (again, see your syllabus).

We will review all this in class.
See you in 319 Innovation Hall!

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