Who’s your columnist #4

Your comment must be posted by 30 minutes before the Tuesday Feb. 19 class.
You must include the URL so that others can read the column, too.
Let me know if you have any questions.
See you in class.

20 Responses to “Who’s your columnist #4”

  1.   ssokler Says:

    There were many articles columns and articles written last week about the congressional hearing featuring Roger Clemens. Clemens began his career with the Boston Red Sox, then abandoned Boston for bigger contracts,eventually returning as a member of the hated Yankees. There was probably more than normal coverage in Boston.

    Dan Shaughnessy’s February 14th column, “Performances weren’t enhanced by testimony” was sharp, anti-Clemens, and funny.

    Here are two examples that illustrate the point, and should encourage you to read the whole column. Referring to a Republican’s claim after looking at pictures of Clemens that he appeared to be the same size, Shaughnessy responded, “That’s like saying Michael Jackson’s features haven’t changed since he posed for the cover of ‘Thriller.”‘

    His last sentence summed his views up nicely: “when the mud stopped flying yesterday, Clemens was the one who looked dirty.”


  2.   ambar Says:

    Sally Jenkins did not write a new column this week. So, I decided to read one of her previous columns.

    This was a couple weeks back…

    “Seeing Manning in a Different Light”

    Jekins’ article focuses on Eli Manning and what he did to give the New York Giants their victory over the Patriots. As I read her column, I noticed that as she talked about Manning, she also informed her audience on the actual game. Again, or as usual, she did not make it seem purposeful. Her column was different from all the other columns written on the superbowl becuase she had a totally different angle. Yet, her readers knew the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the superbowl after reading her column.

    Here is the URL:

  3.   Jeremy Says:

    Jayson Stark’s recent column “Pettitte’s shadow looms large over Clemens, Yankees” is all about the uphill battle that Andy Pettitte is going to face this season.

    Pettitte essentially confirmed that he had used HGH on multiple occasions, and backed up the story that Brian McNamee gave in regards to who he had injected and when.

    Stark gives his analysis of the situation, noting that Pettitte–generally an amiable guy with a great passion for baseball–may find it difficult this season to muster enthusiasm. Stark questions whether the offseason drama in which Pettitte has become embroiled will affect his performance. Stark supports this line of questioning with quotes from Pettitte’s teammates, several of whom remark on how difficult it is to perform even when you have no distractions.

    Stark’s column does an excellent job of humanizing Andy Pettitte, and reinforcing his underlying point: Pettitte’s trouble has just begun.

    It’s evident from the column that Stark feels some degree of sympathy for Pettitte. It seems as though Stark feels that Pettitte made some bad decisions, but is now on the difficult road to atoning for his sins.


  4.   Latonya Says:

    This article by Tim Smith was one of the best columns I have read so far.

    “Joe Louis’ fight continues”
    By Tim Smith

    He began the article with a personal story of how Joe Louis affected his family.

    I like that Smith made this story personal, instead of just giving his opinion on a current sports topic. He brought something as simple as a film and gave it meaning with his own personal touch.

    The focus was what Louis did for America as a society. The documentary that was discussed airs on February 23 at 8p.m. on HBO.

    Here is the URL

  5.   josh Says:

    According to Clayton, “The Muhammad release wasn’t much of a surprise.” That is backed up over his lack of receptions.

    First of all Muhammad can’t throw the ball to himself. He didn’t have as many receptions because he didn’t have a steady quarterback. I almost say this whole release helps Muhammad. Why do you want to be in Chicago right now when they don’t know who they want as the quarterback?

    Bears are all about defense and Muhammad has enough left in the tank to make a run with a good team. I bet you Carolina wishes they would have paid him to stay so Steve Smith could have had some help.

    I’ll be looking forward to seeing where Muhammad decides to go. I look for him to pull a Randy Moss and focus on the better team over who can pay him the most money.


  6.   Eric Says:

    FLASHBACK: Dennis Rodman, John Salley grow up right before our eyes
    By: Mitch Albom

    In this article which was orginally published on June, 3 1988 is about how rookies grew from “the kids” to big time NBA players.

    The build up of the story is very interesting method that Albom uses where he is using illusion of recognizable examples from when everyone was a child such as the pail and bucket example. Everytime Albom comes to the conclusion of one of his points he is making about Dennis Rodman and John Salley becoming NBA players rather then kids he writes: Growing up.

    The growing up marks the story to let readers know that this is a transition point into the next issue or fact about the growing up of these two star rookies.

    This is a very enjoyable story, and I like his closing line of where if these kids pull this off then we might have to start calling the John and Dennis as to finally becoming adult even though they are 24 years old at the time.


  7.   Carlos Says:

    For this week’s response I’d like to comment on two of Woody Paige’s recent columns: “Don’t expect justice to prevail,” posted on Feb. 13th, and “Love of baseball survives all this,” posted Feb. 17th.

    The two go nicely together to represent the negative issues facing baseball today, and the sincere love for the game that fans still share. This pure enjoyment of sport can’t be corrupted by the moral faults of those set out as an example.

    I really like the way that Paige connects the beginning of each article with their endings. It clearly sets the tone, lets us know what his argument is right off the bat, and brings closure to the build up.

    In “Don’t expect justice to prevail,” Woody says that baseball is back on Capitol Hill, refering to Roger Clemens, who soon has to testify in front of a congressional committee, and Barry Bonds, who is awaiting trial.

    Arguably the best home run hitter in history and arguably the best pitcher of all times are cast away from The Show’s spotlight, and into The Circus of Congress and the court. Woody doesn’t seem to think that justice will prevail. He doesn’t seem to care much about Clemens nor Bonds, and shows his interest towards the kids growing up around the game.

    In “Love of baseball survives all this,” Paige keeps referring to an eluding “they” who seem to personify the deviance behind the game’s integrity and character. He mentions record holders, players, trainers, managers, and so on who take away the purity from the sport, or at least try to. In the end, “they” can’t take away from the game because love is bigger than that.

  8.   Phil Murphy Says:

    Leave baseball’s history in the past

    Despite the required posting of URLs, I know most us don’t read each others stories. I admittedly just convicted myself.

    Regardless, Jim Caple’s Feb. 13 column on moving forward from the steroid-era is worth a read.

    My first reaction upon reading his call to progeess was “Amen.”

    Caple speaks for my circle of sports friends and I when he states that he’s grown tired with the congressional hearings, new allegations, old allegations, Clemens, McNamee, Pettite, Anderson, Bonds, etc.

    When these stories are in the line-up for Pardon the Interruption, First and 10, et al, my finger subconsciously floats to the satellite guide button.

    He hypothesizes that the media is more interested in the story than the average fan.

    I take it a step further.

    I abhor the clowns of Capitol Hill that deem these hearings worth the time, effort and coverage it gets.

    Caple says it best.

    “[George] Santayana said those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it,” he writes. “But those who endlessly focus on the past never step beyond it.”

    To probe deeper into the 1990s and to the years before, the question begins to arise as to when baseball can move on.

    Caple calls the fan — moreover, the media — to make that time now. With a new season on the horizon, why not start anew with the aroma of freshly-cut grass in virgin outfields?

    This is the time to celebrate baseball, not to sense the blood in the water and converge.

    This story was the best of his that I’ve read so far.

  9.   Robert Says:

    “Ozzie Tackles Hot-Button Issues”
    By Chris De Luca

    De Luca spoke with White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen, who expressed his views on some controversial issues in baseball.

    In regards to the Roger Clemens steroid controversy, Guillen said that “Clemens shouldn’t be embarrassed” about his alleged use of human growth hormone.

    “Wrong or right, I’m not judging him, but it’s not the same as if you put Ozzie Guillen up there,” Guillen told the Chicago Sun-Times. “You put Roger Clemens up there — he is one of the best things that has ever happened to this game — it’s a tough situation.”

    Guillen also spoke about the recent development concerning Cubs third baseman Aramis Ramirez’ role in cockfighting. The New York Times reported that Ramirez was featured in a Dominican cockfighting magazine detailing his role in raising roosters for fighting.

    Guillen mentioned that the Ramirez’ involvement in cockfighting was incomparable to the Michael Vick dogfighting case.

    “It was so ugly, they compared it to what [Vick] did with dogfighting,” Guillen said. “That’s embarrassing. It’s legal there.”

    Guillen is well known for being candid with the media, and it will be interesting to read his comments regarding future developments on these issues.

  10.   Robert Says:

    Here is the link for the story:


  11.   Will Says:

    “Stern makes sure NBA matters again” By, Jason Whitlock

    This week Whitlock praises the NBA as well as league Commisioner David Stern for a variety of reasons.

    Primarily, Whitlock praises the league for holding the all-star game in New Orleans this year as a way of bringing some revenue to the city.

    Whitlock also praises Stern for being able to keep the NBA relatively free of scandal this season. He brings up the point that the NBA is one of the only leagues to not have been mentioned in any sort of steroid scandal.

    As usual, the column is well written and informative.

  12.   Will Says:

    Sorry, forgot my link.

  13.   cest_la_ve Says:

    Nadia Hajeer
    Royals need starting pitcher to be a contender
    By Joe Posnanski

    I never realized you could connect so many things that didn’t anything to do with sports to sports!

    Posnanski talks about politics which is becoming the new sports in his story of how awful the kansascity royals have been. He compares his story to a Barrack Obama speech.

    Also the way he talks about how bad they have been is amazing. I’m used to reading how good a team was or that they lost but never such a vibrant story on how much a team is and has not done well. It was a nice change of pace.

  14.   Dechele Says:

    Scoop Jackson’s article this week was a recap of past NBA All-Star weekends.

    “The NBA All-Star Weekend preview”

    In the article he also goes through and previews what he believes is going to happen during the weekend.

    The article was not written in his usual format, instead he made statement after statement as opposed to writing a typical story.

    I liked the way manner in which he wrote this article. It fit well with the information he was putting out for the readers. It almost read like a script for a commercial promoting the NBA All-Star weekend.


  15.   DannyU Says:

    All-Star Format Change: Pit U.S. vs. the World

    Overall, a good article about the NBA All-Star game. Wilbon makes a good argument about going to an All-Star format much like that of the NHL, U.S. vs. the World.

    Wilbon does some great research in this article in predicting what the starting teams would be in this scenario. It is an interesting read, especially the aspect of a fantasy All-Star game.

    Here is the link

  16.   Dylan Says:

    Gene Wojciechowski writes about how we will eventually move on from the steroid era and how Andy Pettite admitting to his crime was a good first start.

    Wojciechowski criticized the players who would not straight up confess and who would tip toe around the topic.

    He references Paul Lo Duca of the Nationals who gave a very vague apology to the press.

  17.   matt Says:

    Accorsi Trusted What He Saw in Manning

    This is the title of an article by Shapiro which I thought was significant enough to talk about even though it’s a little over a week old. It’s an article about the Giants personnel executive Ernie Accorsi who really trusted Manning through all of the bad times. Shapiro points out that even though Accorsi is no longer with the Giants organization, he deserves a lot of the credit for their Super Bowl victory because of his relationship with Eli Manning. You can find the article at http://www.washingtonpost.com and I agree with this notion that he might not be getting a lot of credit but he certainly deserves it.

  18.   Elliot Fox Says:

    This story is about the Washington Nationals sharing a sports network with the Baltimore Orioles. Boswell clearly explains how the O’s will be gaining more money then the Nats. He discussed how the Orioles deal to share the sports network will be able to provide them with about two-thirds of the profit that the network makes. In the long run this is not a serious loss to the Nationals. However, if the network fails for the two teams the Baltimore Orioles will e responsible for the loss and will lose the money. See more at:


  19.   stephen ball Says:

    Mike Wise’s article this week centered on the NBA All Star Game held in New Orleans.

    Wise praised “The game, which actually seemed to matter for a change, was played amid the backdrop of genuine charitable efforts to continue the restoration of Katrina-battered Louisiana.”

    Wise asserts that the feel of this year’s game was the perfect antidote to the chaos of last year’s game in Las Vegas.

    Said Wise, “The Big Easy became the antidote to the bacchanalia, bawdiness and overall bad vibe felt in Las Vegas. The mean-mugging crowds, Adam “Pacman” Jones charged in a strip-club melee, all the criminal accoutrements — some of which had nothing to do with the NBA — were gone.”

    This article is definetly a good read for any disenfranshised NBA fan.


  20.   Mike Coppinger Says:


    Misfiring Kidd
    By Bill Simmons

    Simmons writes about he thinks the Jason Kidd trade to Dallas has been way overhyped. He doesn’t think its a good trade for the Mavs because Kidd simply isn’t the player he once was.

    He can’t shoot and is not the penetrating guard he was in his hey-day. Simmons thinks it’s possible the Mavs miss the playoffs. He also spoke about the 11-player deal involving Cleveland and the Gasol trade.

    He likes that the Cavs got Sczcerbiak who can shoot. He also likes the Kurt Thomas trade to San Antonio. I am a big fan of Thomas’s from his Knicks days and I think he will provide the Spurs with toughness and leadership.

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