Alan Goldenbach: 3 things

Check out this story by Alan Goldenbach.

Check out this story by Alan Goldenbach.

Alan Goldenbach is a feature writer and high school sports reporter for the Washington Post.

GRADED EXERCISE: In the comments section below, add the three things you learned from Alan Goldenbach’s presentation on Feb. 4. Deadline is 30 minutes before class on Tuesday Feb. 9. No exceptions!

Photo story link.

29 Responses to “Alan Goldenbach: 3 things”

  1.   Colin Says:

    Three things I learned from Alan Goldenbach:

    1. Go beyond the obvious.

    2. There is more emotion and truth in losing than in winning.

    3. Use quotes to take focus off of your voice.

  2.   scotthartman Says:

    1. Use your game story to convey something to your audience that they could not get just by watching or attending the game.

    2. Find out what caused the game story to be so special, the why behind the how and why.

    3. The best story is in a losing team’s locker room

  3.   Ashleigh Bohlmann Says:

    1. The formula for a Washington Post game story is to draw the reader in.

    2. The most critical skill for a journalist is being perceptive. You must be aware of your surroundings.

    3. Using quotes help you get the voice off of the writer and get the perspective from another person.

  4.   yasinjama Says:

    1) The internet and ESPN has changed the way you get sports news. Anyone can get news and scores at any given time

    2) You have to distinguish yourself from the competition. What makes me more special then anyone else?

    3)A game story is the most fundamental part of sports writing and local TV news stations needs to show something unique instead of the obvious.

  5.   yasinjama Says:

    1) The internet and ESPN has changed the way you get sports news. Anyone can get news and scores at any given time.

    2) You have to distinguish yourself from the competition. What makes me more special then anyone else?

    3)A game story is the most fundamental part of sports writing and local TV news stations needs to show something unique instead of the obvious.

  6.   Thomas Maher Says:

    1)Because somebody gives you a good quote, doesn’t mean that you have to use it in your story

    2)You want to convey to the reader something they couldn’t see because you don’t want to write a story that they already know

    3)Generally can find the best story in the losing locker room as emotions are running high

  7.   Ross Wilkers Says:

    1. The writer must give the audience something they could not or did not see during the game.

    2. Sometimes an event at a game outstrips the game itself, such as gunfire in a high school parking lot.

    3. Quotes are only good if they supplement the story.

  8.   Sarah Kate Traynham Says:

    The three things I learned from Alan Goldenbach:

    1. Show the audience something that they did not see by watching the game in person or on TV.

    2. The best story is found in the losing teams locker room.

    3. A quote is only good if it supplements the story.

  9.   Sarah El-Hage Says:

    Three things I learned from Alan Goldenbach:

    1. A sports writer must be able to write what the viewer could not see on TV.
    2. A game is an event. Not only should you be watching the game but you should also be aware of your surroundings. What’s going on the crowds? How are the players reacting on the bench/dugout/sideline?
    3. A quote is only good if it supplements the story. Just because you have a great quote doesn’t mean you can use it if it doesn’t add to your story.

  10.   Katherine Zablonski Says:

    Three things I learned from Alan Goldenbach:

    1. Give the readers something that they didn’t see at the game.

    2. Use quotes that add to the story.

    3. Always draw the reader to what you are writing. They don’t just want a report on what occured at the game.

  11.   Capricia Alston Says:

    Three things I learned from Alan Goldenbach:

    1. The best stories are in the losing team’s locker room because there is a lot more emotion in defeat and pain.

    2. The game story is the most fundamental part of sports stories.

    3. It is important to be able to convey in a game story something the audience didn’t see. They don’t just want a recap of everything that they already witnessed.

    From the movie:

    1. Finding the center/beating heart of your story is what makes a good reporter.

  12.   Rob Elliott Says:

    Three things I learned from Alan Goldenbach:

    1. Convey to the audience something that can’t be seen at the game.

    2. By using quotations in your reporting, you add entertainment for the reader.

    3. The best story is in the losing team’s locker room.

  13.   Paul Egeland Says:

    The three things I took away were:
    1)Convey something that someone watching the game could not see.
    2)Entertain and inform your reader. Give them a reason to read your story and care about what you have to say.

  14.   Paul Egeland Says:

    3) Draw the reader in because your lead is your sales pitch.

  15.   kimmymoss Says:

    Unfortunately I was not in class for this guest speaker because I had to leave Thursday morning for my track meet in New York. However, after reading all the comments that have been made so far, three things that really stick out to me include:

    1. A sports writer should NOT include quotes in his or her writing if they do not supplement the article. With that said, writers should strive to use GOOD quotes to tell a story, rather than overstate their own voice.
    2. Unique writing is the best writing when it comes to sports articles. Thanks to the internet, fans have up-to-the-minute stats on any given game. If you simply state the obvious, people won’t continue reading what you have to say.
    3. The best stories are found in the losing team’s locker room; compliments of higher, stronger emotions.

  16.   Joe Russo Says:

    The three things I learned from Alan were:
    1. Just because someone gives you a good quote does not mean you should use it if it does not fit in your story.
    2. Some of the best stories or quotes are from the losing teams locker room
    3. Use your game story to show something that couldn’t be seen on TV or in person at the game.

  17.   smkpuck Says:

    I am extending the deadline to Thursday 1 p.m. ET for posting your 3-things from Alan Goldenbach’s Thursday Feb. 4 class appearance. So far, I count 15 (out of 25).
    I always wonder why some people wait til the last minute to do things.

  18.   Brian Glaser Says:

    I found that listening to Alan Goldenbach was both informative and enjoyable. Three things that I took away from the class were:

    1. The most important thing to do when writing a game story is to convey something that the person watching couldn’t see.

    2. The ability to write a good game story is the most fundamental part of sports writing.

    3. One of the great things about quotes is that they help take attention off the voice of the writer.

  19.   Nicki Demmel Says:

    The three thing I learned were:

    1. Tell a story outside of the game. Something someone couldn’t see on TV.
    2. Give you reader a reason to read what you write, entertain them.
    3. A great quote doesn’t have to be put in the story if it doesn’t fit the story.

  20.   Octavia Trammell Says:

    The things I learned from Alan were:
    1. In writing, we must show people something that they couldn’t see if they watched the game.
    2. As journalist who write, we have the ability to go into great depth in stories; as opposed to TV journalism.
    3. Because we are overwhelmed with so much competition, you have to distinguish yourself. This can be by finding your particular voice in a story or doing something unique consistently.

  21.   Ryan Harty Says:

    Three things I learned were:

    1. The best story is in the loosing team’s locker room. There is a lot more truth in defeat and pain. There is more emotion in winning.

    2. Journalists have the opportunity to write about things other than the hard facts.

    3. Quotes are there to entertain you and get the voice off the writer.

  22.   Lijam M Says:

    -When writing a game story the writer must convey something that the audience would of not seen in the game.
    Different angles and stories are all around, its my job to look for these different angles.
    -The best stories are in the losing teams locker room.

  23.   Andrew Duke Says:

    I learned several new and interesting aspects about sports writing from Alan Goldenbach, but there were three main things that I learned from him which were very insightful. The first was that a sports story should tell the audience something that they could not see by watching the game. The second was that a sports reporter should always report on what is news worthy, even if it does not deal with the game. The last thing was that often the best stories come from the losing team.

  24.   herberalBB Says:

    Пирамиды или честные компании: кто кого?
    (скандал на форуме)

    То, что произошло в Одессе 1 июля 2013 г. иначе, как «оскандалились» не назовешь… Собственно, когда речь идет о финансовых пирамидах удивляться этому не приходится…

    Представьте себе честную компанию (речь идет об “Empire of Reason”), которая заявила о своем участии на форуме «FinGlobeForum», на котором собрались представители международных инвестиционных компаний из 17-ти стран мира. Форум, как и положено, это возможность высказаться профессионалам и не только, в рамках заявленной тематики… Поскольку организаторы «FinGlobeForum» на повестку дня вынесли вопрос об инвестировании проектов, которые якобы, представляли значительный интерес, а на деле оказалось, что это были очередные финансовые пирамиды с ложными обещаниями в выплатах космических процентов инвесторам, то разговор после разоблачительного выступления представителя компании “Empire of Reason” («Империя Разума») Сергиенко Вадима, закончился крупным СКАНДАЛОМ!

    Молодой амбициозный представитель «Империи Разума» очень эмоционально и убедительно дал отпор ФИНАНСОВЫМ ПИРАМИДАМ, рядившимся под серьезные компании, предлагающие сетевой маркетинг и нереальные 30-40-50% выплат инвесторам… «Откуда такие обещания? Что за проекты, которые приносили бы такие нереальные дивиденты?» – вопрошал Вадим с трибуны. Ответ из зала не заставил себя долго ждать: сначала кричали: – «а что вы можете предложить? Вы сами такие же!» Но, когда представитель «Empire of Reason» начал говорить о честном бизнесе компании, которая зарегистрирована на Кипре и имеет два вида бизнеса (наземный и интернет-магазин с реальными в 1 000 000 000 товарами), то у него вырвали микрофон и уволокли со сцены!

    Возникает не просто провокационный вопрос, это вопрос о том, БЫТЬ или НЕ БЫТЬ честным компаниям среди ПИРАМИД?

    Увы, организаторы «FinGlobeForum» грубо просчитались… Журналисты и сторонники честного бизнеса приготовили для вас ХОРОШИЕ НОВОСТИ и всем от них будет ЖАРКО! Ждите их в интернете!

  25.   herberalvv Says:

    “Бунт на корабле финансовых пирамид, или как честной компании не дали правду сказать”

    1 июля 2013 года в конференц-зале Одесского культурного центра под флагом «FinGlobeForum” собрались представители международных инвестиционных компаний. Организаторам форума удалось привлечь лидеров и профессионалов в области инвестирования из 17-ти стран мира. Казалось бы, все шло по плану, каждый выступающий расхваливал свой проект очередных финансовых пирамид… Председатель оргкомитета форума Александр Сабонис распинался о светлом будущем и о новых технологиях в области инвестирования. Ему вторили ораторы один за другим… И вот на трибуну, как свежий ветер, ворвался представитель компании «Empire OF Reason» («Империя разума»), официально зарегистрированной на Северном Кипре. То, что он говорил и как он это делал, вызвало шок у присутствующих! Парень метко подметил всю необоснованность обещаний в выплатах 30-40-50% от вложенных инвестиций… Он громогласно разоблачил криминальную подоплеку финансовых пирамид! Зал вздрогнул, обрушился: кто аплодисментами, кто одобрительными выкриками, а кто гневными криками: «Долой его с трибуны!» Человек прямо заявил от лица компании “Empire of Reason” о том, что люди в финансовых пирамидах теряли и теряют огромные средства, в том числе и кредитные! Вот вам и суть инвестирования! Надо знать куда, зачем и почему нужно инвестировать, а не призывать, как Елена Грунт, соучредитель форума, инвестировать, инвестировать и не прятать свои деньги под подушкой…
    Чем же закончилось яркое выступление представителя “Empire of Reason”? Ответ: его вытолкнули со сцены и вывели под руки, не дав высказаться до конца! Но журналисты не дремали… Они тут же взяли интервью, которое появится вскоре…
    А вы любите финансовые пирамиды? Вы одобряете проект Закона о финансовых пирамидах? Хотите узнать больше о скандальном форуме, критериях отличия честных компаний и деятельности финансовых пирамид?
    Обо всем этом ждите следующий материал…

  26.   trastnident Says:

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